Sibbertoft to Marston Trussell

Sibbertoft to Marston Trussell

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Length: 6 1/2 miles
Location: By the old union chapel in Sibbertoft
Date: 8/7/15

This walk has an interesting beginning and end, when the route descends into and ascends out of the Welland valley. The middle section is a little less exciting, involving a fair amount of road walking.

Continue reading Sibbertoft to Marston Trussell

Welford to Sibbertoft

Welford to Sibbertoft

Download GPX or view the route on ViewRanger.

Length: 7 miles.
Location: Roadside parking in Welford, 25 minutes east of Rugby.
Date: 28/5/2015

A fairly flat route on well way-marked field paths and farm tracks, this was a gently enjoyable circular route, joining two villages on the north-west edge of Northamptonshire.

Continue reading Welford to Sibbertoft